Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Girls

Life got really hectic after the twins were born. Taking care of two babies is a lot of work and we both had to keep up our job performance so we didn't loose them. Things weren't always easy. Jared is rather mean spirited at times. He tries but he can't help how he was brought up. I think it's affected the girls though. The first few years were roughest on them. I worry about them. They seem to have picked up some traits that aren't too desirable.

My first born... I can't believe some of the messes she makes...
She's such a clumsy slob. She just doesn't care either. Unlike her father and I she never cleans unless I yell at her. Sometimes it just not worth the effort. As life got easier and Abi became a teen she did become quite the bookworm. I hope this helps her as life goes on.

Anna my little loner.... she's probably the smartest person I've ever met, a certified genius. Her mind is like a steel trap. Nothing gets past her. She so wants to be athletic, but can't stand to be in a setting with a lot of people. I don't know what shall become of her. As a teen will she come out of her shell more? I hope so.

Well, those are my girls. I'm not sure one of them will be able to carry on here when Jared and I pass. They both hate the outdoors. I can't bear to force them to garden with me they become so miserable. I look at my plants and worry who will care for them? Who will love them as I do? Should I try one more time for an hier who will be more like me? I'm not sure at this point, but I know time is running out.

Life continues

Originally uploaded by tjkmfk

At least my condition doesn't stop me from gardening... and I'm on maternity leave now so I can garden more.
Oh yeah I told Jared about the baby and he turned out to be a real stand up kinda guy. We got married. He's been a real help around here. I think we are doing well.

Boy does my back ache after all this gardening.... and I keep getting bigger and bigger. The doctor says everything is fine, but I feel like I may explode.

Preggers3 It's gotta be soon now I feel like there's an octopus inside me. There has to be at least 5 babies in there. The doctor says only one though. I don't believe her one second.

time It's time. Of course it happens in the middle of the night. Jared was freaked..(god, how how it he without a shirt?) Anyway we ran off to the hospital and a few hours later we brought home the new additions to our family.

Additions? yes I knew that doctor was wrong. We had twins: Anna and Abigail.


I can't believe this

Originally uploaded by tjkmfk
They told me this couldn't happen the first time...well guess what...THEY were wrong. I'm going to have a baby. I guess Jared and I can't keep our relationship secret anymore. How is he going to react to this?

Money Does Grow on Trees

Originally uploaded by tjkmfk
I went walking the other day and I picked up a bunch of seeds. When I planted them I got a lot of interesting plants, but by far the most interesting one is this money tree. Yes, it really grows money. Isn't that a hoot!!!
I just wonder if I can plant the moneybags to grow more trees.


Originally uploaded by tjkmfk
Ah Jared, he's my boss. What started out as a bit of 'sucking up to the boss' has become so very much more. We are trying to keep it quiet but I think I'm falling in love.... I invited him to spend the night at my place and he said yes.


Originally uploaded by tjkmfk
I can't believe it I WAS ROBBED
And he got away too, the cops were too slow getting here to catch him. He took my chair and table.... SIGH

Needless to say, I installed a burgler alarm.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 2: Learning and Working

Originally uploaded by tjkmfk
I love to learn and today I pulled out those seeds and planted them... will I really get a crop? I'm not sure. I need to hurry now and get ready for work... Talk to you tomorrow.


Day 1: Cont.

Originally uploaded by tjkmfk
Well, I got my house up and while it's not much but it's enough for the moment. I am studying as many books as I can get my hands on. So far I've read one about gardening and I found some seeds at the end of it. I'll plant those tomorrow, I hope to someday cook the things I grow. So I'm going to study hard and tomorrow I'll go to work. Oh yeah I got a job. It's not much now but it's in the right field.

Day 1: Empty Lot

Originally uploaded by tjkmfk
Hello, I'm Tabitha..

I am beginning a new life and I'm really excited.
I am a great cook and look forward to a career as a chef. Now though I have to build a house and find a job and learn some skills.